Gemini Placements Brainstorm ♊🌬️

7 min readApr 9, 2022


” …And it was morning as God stood before his twelve children and into each of them planted the seed of human life. One by one each child stepped forward to receive his appointed gift.

To you Gemini, I give the questions without the answers, so that you may bring to all an understanding of what people see around them. You will never know why people speak or listen, but in your quest for the answer, you will find my gift of Knowledge.”

“Karmic Astrology” by Martin Schulman

So, here is a little breakdown of each Gemini placement (Sun-Saturn), and please, keep in mind that:

  • These descriptions are all about the PURE form of that placement, without any aspects, houses, or other qualities. You have to look at the whole chart.
  • These are my observations and thoughts on the Gemini archetype mixed with some undeniable facts about them. Take what resonates. Some things are definitely exaggerated for fun’s sake. 😉

Sun in Gemini (enmity)

Trickster/mischief archetype. The King’s closest advisor. A trader of information. The biggest offense is someone telling them “You’re not that smart, you know?”. Fun to be around. Eternal teenagers. Youthful, restless energy. Bottomless source of ideas and enthusiasm. Can be inconsistent and unreliable. Defining who they are is perceived as limiting. Being influenced by other people’s opinions and beliefs. Seeing the world as a playground. Life is about having fun and learning. The types to read two articles about Astrology, start their own blog about it, and abandon it after a few days.

Moon in Gemini (neutral)

Hungry to learn and communicate. Knowing how to lighten up the mood in every situation. Never remaining at the bottom of despair for too long. Rarely reaching the bottom, at all. Laughter is rejuvenating. Playing “hide and seek” with heavier emotions. Seeing the absurdity of sadness. The inner world is a library full of books. A great need for variety and mental stimulation. Rationalizing emotions. The glimpses of mischief in the inner child’s eyes. At the edge of their seats at every moment. The mother is seen as intellectual and fun, but unreliable. Quite flexible and adaptable in new situations. The inner world is always under the influence of the “wind of change”. The wind doesn’t leave space for stagnation. The entertainer of the company. “If you take things lightly, you can overcome anything!” Turning past hurts into bestselling novels. Not taking things personally. The smell of a burnt dish hits the nostrils of a housewife who got sucked into a great book. The lack of an outlet for their restless energy might subconsciously draw them to smoking (or any habitual behavior involving the mouth and hands such as chewing their lips, biting their tongue etc…) Journalling is therapeutic.

Mercury in Gemini (domicile)

Optimistic, cheerful manner of talking. Gesturing like a crazy person helps them tell a story well. Every interaction is an opportunity to give and take something. Quick reactions. The mind is always alert, scanning the environment for interesting people and opportunities to talk. The mind can be scattered. The mind is an insatiable beast — an information omnivore. It reminds me of Hermione Granger and the time-turner she used to go back in time and attend the classes she’d missed because of other classes. 😃

Chasing the next shiny idea. A jack of all trades, but a master of none. Learning is a matter of going “wide”, not “deep”. Seeing multiple sides of everything. The mind is the perfect messenger/medium. Logical mind. Indecisiveness. It’s easy to lose perspective and get lost in the details of everyday life. Socially adept — knowing how to make small talk with everyone they meet. Learning quickly. Persuasive, smooth talkers. 200 words per minute. Masters of the flirting art. Masterful storytellers. Walking encyclopedias. Using manipulation as a tool to avoid conflict. Having an endless supply of arguments to support their point. Lies roll off the tongue effortlessly when that is the wish of the mastermind. Sarcastic humor. Getting bored in the midst of a conversation and pointing it in another direction without the other person even noticing. Meditation is a medieval torture device. The gates of the mind are open for anyone to enter and leave an offering. Always sounds like they’re trying to make a deal with you. The Devil’s advocate energy.

Venus in Gemini (neutral)

Needs mental stimulation in love. Love is a mind game, and the flirting stage is where they thrive. A lover they can laugh and be at ease with. A lover that reminds them to not take life seriously. Working with their hands. Love tinkering with mechanisms of all sorts. A lover of language. Loyalty and commitment are tricky subjects. Considering the partner as “boring” or “possessive” is a deal-breaker. Lovers having serious expectations of them (especially early in the relationship) makes them run for the hills. Seeing a potential friend in anyone who can teach them something. Love working with other people. Most likely bisexual. Gender doesn’t mean much, but intelligence does. Remaining detached and “friendly” in romance. Watching a documentary on a date night. Changing partners, interests, and material possessions frequently. The main criteria for making a decision is “Will I learn something new from this (thing/person)?”

Mars in Gemini (enmity)

Acting is preceded by overthinking and consideration. Having the energy to talk about doing something, but not taking any practical steps. Thinking about sex is usually a bigger turn-on than sex itself. Skilled and precise with their hands. *Turns book pages aggressively*. Anger lasts as long as a few cigarette puffs. A good debate is a turn-on. Love getting surprised. Variety in sex positions/places. Sex should be fun and casual. Vocal partners. Having a hard time sticking to one sexual partner. Open to almost anything in bed. If Mars is weak, there is a lack of self-control. Impatient and jittery. Wasting their energy on unnecessary arguing. Expressing their attraction to you by making sarcastic/mean comments. Provoking you to join them in an intellectual duel to show how smart they are. Driven by their curiosity and desire to know, they can start having sexual experiences early.

Jupiter in Gemini (detriment)

Having too many goals. Constantly galloping and trying to hit all targets, but frequently missing. Getting distracted by trivial things. Not having the patience and desire to work on long-term visions. Taking pride in their logical intelligence. Having a hard time seeing things from a higher perspective. Their philosophy about life can be strictly limited to what can be logically explained and interacted with. The need for “rationality” can limit the ability to have faith and trust in a Higher Power. Logic is religion. Humor is a religion. Wanting to be seen as someone intelligent and skilled. Receiving luck and abundance in any Gemini-related career field.

Saturn in Gemini (vicinity)

Pragmatic and concrete. Dead serious mind. Private mind. Taking jokes seriously. Missing the right timing to make a funny comment. Self-expression is scary. At some point, an authority figure limited their ability to express their truth. Losing themselves in the truth of someone they perceive as “smarter” and more competent. Chopping any excess fat from their words. Ruthless editing. The thought processes become more structured with age. Light, spontaneous communication is heavy lifting. A feeling of choking and tension in the body when being asked to speak in public. Prone to depression and melancholy. The biggest fear is coming across as incompetent or “stupid”. Being shamed and punished when they were young for not knowing or not being “smart/fast enough”. Logical thinking is difficult. Dropping out of school. Limitations surrounding education and/or inability to afford education. Having speech impediments like stuttering. Asthma. Prone to mental illness or issues with the nervous system if the energy isn’t utilized properly. Karma can place ribbons on the tongue as a lesson.

Although it might be a bit of an extreme example, I can’t help but think of the movie “Atonement”. One of the main characters is a little girl named Briony who is a typical Gemini — a lover of words and language who dreams of becoming a writer one day. However, as the plot unfolds, she tells a big, big lie that literally sends the innocent lover of her sister to prison (and later to war), and prevents both of them from ever having a future together. Once she grows up and realizes what she’s done, her guilt becomes her punishment. She seeks atonement and at the end of her life, she writes a memoir where the divided couple eventually ends up together and lives their happily ever after.

Saturn in Gemini causes people to double/triple-check the facts before speaking up. What Briony did is exactly the opposite of that.

The goal is a meditative mind. Potential for mastering the art of language. Becoming a teacher. Becoming an authority in the realm of written/verbal communication.

I personally have a 0-degree Saturn in Gemini along with Jupiter in Gemini, and I despise lying. The possibility of being “punished” as karmic payback for being careless with your words might be real for some of us. However, I believe that just as many souls are called to help break ancestral curses and karmic cycles of cheating, manipulation, and lying.

In Conclusion

Aries people plant ideas, Taureans work hard to nurture them, and Geminians spread them. They can connect the dots and see pathways and solutions where there were seemingly none. If Gemini can become a bit more discerning with the people and ideas they take in, as well as form a more solid belief system (Sagittarius as their complementary sign) that doesn’t change every time they meet a new person or read an article, they can be masterful students AND teachers of many.

